Global Family Medicine Discovery/Invention & Innovation Logic/Methodology Pre-Teleconference Site

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Sir Isaac Newton, 1675.

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Stussers' Home 2002


This freelance site prepares the basis to continue e-research collaboration on Global General/Family Medicine Discovery, Invention & Innovation Logic & Methodology, with inter-personal partnerships through online collaboratory and tele-conference interactive platforms.

The idea to go more in depth on these first active detection & creative phases of scientific research, matured from the 1990s to the 2000s between Drs. Pierre B. Mansourian and Rodolfo J. Stusser, interacting first by snail-mail, later personally at Geneva & Bangkok, and in the last 8 years by e-mail due to difficulties to travel freely from Havana.

Exchange in Melia Havana Hotel 2001

There is according to the scientific logic and method a contradictory strategy worldwide: to try to advance science with high intelligence-quotient scientists armed with computerized statistical software, but without training and cultivating in them the scientific creativity going further of the current normal science paradigms. The poor and delayed nations need high cultivated and scientific-quality general and family physicians (GP/FPs), not feldshers, barefoot or indigent practitioners. Their preparation in clinical and health service research could be re-focused on discovery of new facts and theories, and on invention (and innovation) of new methods and technologies. Deepening and broadening the heuristic principles of the initial detection and creation steps of substantial contributions --instead of the algorithmic confirmation designs and analysis alone--, will allow GP/FPs scientists to solve the health maintenance, body-mind, and other general clinical scientific problems, and integrate with much more understanding, the best of the primary health care traditional medicine with our modern scientific medicine.

Our experience have shown us that in research of new paradigms, “person to person” partnerships, physically or virtually through the WWW, are over all the types of GO & NGO partnerships between centers, national, regional & world levels, frequently, heavily biased by conventional scientific and non-scientific commitments on current research programs. Please, contact us to collaborate in any way.

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Ideas come first, experiments come later; innovative ideas are the sine quanon of progress in science. Linus Pauling, Nobel Prizes 1954, 1963.

Photos: Drs. Bob Kriel & Linda Krach at Roddy & Lolita' home; Roddy & Lolita exchanging in the Havana Melia Hotel lobby, 2001.

Site in experimental building from June 29, 2008; updated November 10, 2009.
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